Monday, 20 November 2017

Time flies

It is pretty much six months since I last posted. Six whole months.

I must have been busy, and on balance I suppose I have. There was a wedding, which came with some fairly frantic preparations, more than a little (probably more than was necessary) worrying, and a bit of travelling. Then there has been work too. All of which has eaten into painting time.

And there has been the invitation to join the Iceni Botanical Society - hurrah! That was a while back, and since happily accepting, I have visited the group's summer exhibition in Wymondham (to say my first hellos), had to cancel what look liked a really interesting fungi painting workshop with Lucy T Smith (family wedding had priority), and attended the group AGM, where it was good to really put some faces to names and get a better feel for how the society works.

And recently I've managed to re-claim a quiet space for painting.

The latest effort is a planned christmas card image - if I can get a decent one done in time - which also addresses my (self diagnosed) need to work extensively with green. As far as I can tell, understanding greens seems to be the main stumbling block for anyone with an interest in producing reasonable quality botanical painting.

Anyway, this is how far I've got.

It's a terrible photo, but you get the idea. While these studies are not exactly top notch, they do show promise I think - particularly as they tick all my required boxes just now...good practise with using green, a nicely prosaic subject, and an entirely fitting image for christmas cards from an infamously grinchy festive refuser such as myself. They could almost make christmas worth it for once.

The sprouts are starting to wilt, so I think I'll have to have them for tea tonight.

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