Tuesday, 12 April 2016


I've noticed a few 'scaled up block' quilts knocking around the 'net. I like the simplicity of the idea and the boldness of the effect, so I thought I'd give super-sizing try.

And I'm pleased! It's got a kind of Amish-ness about it too, with the big plain blocks of colour.

Not sure how I'm going to quilt this up yet. Machine is tempting - there's a lot of yardage there! - but I'm not totally convinced I can make a good job of it on my domestic machine. I may have to knock up a practise quilt to get the hang of working with large expanses.

The pink is actually my duvet, but it looks good to me so if this doesn't get an extra border, it may well get a pink binding. It's square and almost 'double bed' sized (the bed is kingsize). I'm half-tempted to give it another border to size it up just that little bit more.

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