Thursday, 9 April 2015

We went to Tasmania (pt 3)

...I'm back in Blighty as it happens - and I'm also wide awake at 3.30 am, so I've decided to use the jet-lag to catch up...

Tassie has a spectacular coast line, so we did little bit of cruise with Tasman Island Cruises

...and it was fab EVEN THOUGH the sea was rather 'big' and quite choppy. I admit, I was quite scared - the boat is a decidedly small looking inflatable, plus they kitted us out in jumpsuits AND top-to-toe ponchos, and handed out hats and gloves and ginger tablets as preventatives against sea sickness. None of these things were the most reassuring signs of a fun trip to come...

Here are Angela and Tim our 'crew'.

They were brilliant and funny and knowledgeable, and very kind to the sea-sickness casualties. Despite all precautions, there was some puking over the side of the boat...and no, I didn't take any pictures of that (..but if I'm honest that's only because I was too busy being wowed by the waves and the fact that I WASN'T being sick over the side of the boat...).

I did try to take photos the sea doing its big and scary thing.

Here's an approaching wall of water...

...which just doesn't look like much I know. And I expect it wasn't much really, not for people who are used to the sea and boats and stuff. 

It was very much like being on a big old roller coaster though, and on occasion there was even some slightly disconcerting wave action washing over the deck...all rather thrilling, but not necessarily conducive to taking snap-shots.

I managed one or two though, when we were in closer to shore, visiting the more sheltered, calmer bits so that the pukers, bless, could have a bit of light relief.

...they were probably still feeling a touch queasy here...

...but it got better.

They took us out onto open water and we watched as a some seals rounding up a shoal of fish and the birds - gannets and albatross - feeding (diving) from above...that was pretty amazing (but puke making apparently).

We saw seals who quite deliberately lolloped into the water to show off for us. There was a white breasted sea eagle. 

And in the harbour a there was a bevy of albatross (albatri???), driven 'inland' by the severe weather the previous night, including this handsome fellow.

A shy albatross. He's a fine chap isn't he? No scale comparisons in this pic, but they're biggish..wing span nearly a metre and weighing in at up to 9lb or so. Nice to get so close. 

And me, back on dry land, sans poncho, and looking a bit wind battered but wishing we could have stayed out longer.

In addition, the founder of the company operates the whole shebang with conservation and preservation of the environment to the fore: check out the website

So, if you are ever down that way, this is a must do thing.

1 comment:

Joe said...

AMAZING photos x