Friday, 11 January 2013

I wish I'd done that...

NNo What with all this determination to keep up with the blogging, I have realised that I can't ever hope to do enough (and sufficiently interesting) knitting myself to keep up a reasonable flow of regular posts. I've set myself a target of twice a week...but suddenly that seems overly ambitious if it is only my own activity I'm posting about.

So I've decided to post about knitterly things that I like. Mostly this will be patterns by others that I particularly admire, and if I get round to making them then I'll post about that too.

So, first up. These brilliantly designed socks. Longitudinal

These are just so much fun, and so cleverly constructed. Definitely on the 'must have a go' list.

Another sock design that I really admire is Skew

 I did actually start knitting a pair of these when I first came across them. I made it about a third of the way up from the toe - and it is amazing and incredibly satisfying how the bias direction of the fabric sits really comfortably over the top of the foot. But, at the time, I wasn't really up to the job and the pitiful bit of knitting I managed is STILL LANGUISHING on the needles. In fact, you can take a look at that first over ambitious effort here...
 One day. They're just so CLEVER!

Linking to that old post has also reminded me that I used to use Courier font. That's because in my other life as a scriptwriter I use it all the time, and back then I was very enamoured of it. But, now I think good old reliable Times New Roman is far better on this blog. Can I be bothered to go back and change all the old posts to match?

No I can't. I'd much rather knit either one of these fabulous sock patterns, so that's precisely what I'm going to do.

By the way, both of these patterns are available for free in the pattern library of the marvellous online knitting magazine Knitty 

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