Friday, 28 December 2012

...another year....another post....

Oh dear. I've done it again. A whole year between posts. And yet I find myself oddly reluctant to relinquish the fact that, neglected as it may be, I do have a knitting blog.

For a variety of reasons, knitting hasn't figured that highly for me this year.  First off, I was finishing my MA. It was exciting and time and attention consuming, and now I am a fully fledged alumni of the prestigious UEA Creative Writing MA. It's quite a thing. To think that the idea of doing it occurred to me roughly five years ago, and I had written very little of anything, and I am now a Master of Arts, and more importantly I actually FEEL like a writer, well, no one is more surprised or delighted than me! But knitting took a bit of a back seat.

The other big thing that happened last year was losing my dear mum. It was a very difficult and intensely emotionally draining time. From a sudden admittance to hospital, she never really recovered and died on Sept 29th.  It seems that since she died the radio schedules have been awash with programmes discussing the state of how we care for our elderly and dying. I have many, many thoughts and conflicting feelings about the three months my mum spent in hospital, but this is neither the time or place to air those. However, I have joyfully inherited her stash and her needle collection. It will be wonderful to explore and use all those things, and knit the memory of my mum into the future.

I didn't abandon knitting entirely though. One jolly project was the creation of 'Neep', a commission knit for a friend's little girl. I loved doing this. He's quite big, probably about two and half feet high all told. I knit him freeform so there's no pattern, but probably that would have been a big copyright issue anyway. He was a joy to do though.

I also sold my first knitting pattern. Just the one. The Dinky Twinkly Christmas Bauble. Now that really was a surprise!

So. More knitting this year. And more blogging. And more writing in general. I need to find a way to make this 'feeling' like a writer turn into actually 'being' a writer.  I've never been a big new years resolution fan, but this time I feel that it will help....I was on the verge of sharing them here and now, but actually I think I'm going to take a bit more time - we're not quite at the end of this year just yet. And it will be a good reason to write another post....!

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