It is hideous. Worse, it is huge. There is only one sensible option. Frog. On the bright side I have learned a whole pile of stuff....1) get gauge and calculate size. 2) recalculate size according to gauge. 3) remember to measure arm shaping against armhole shaping. 4) use a pattern devised by someone else more knowledgeable and adhere strictly to the instructions, especially the gauge. 5) get gauge. 6) follow your instincts, in this particular case to make cushion covers not wearables.
Frogging and cushion covers here I come.
This is nice though. Colinette Jitterbug in Copperbeech. For the boyfriend. And a risky first. Recent (yellow) experience (and very careful neutral responses from aformentioned man) tells me loud and clear to keep it small and manageable (and easier to fob off on someone with the kind of good manners that prevent them from rejecting a lovingly hand knitted pair of socks even if they have already been turned down by the intended recipient - I say spread the love where and when you can). The yarn is soft and dreamy, so thats enough for me (for now...).

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