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I just did a knitting text workshop with an artist called Biddy Rychnovsky. Now I realise that what you are seeing is a mirror image of what is effectively my knitted signature - which is sort of galling as I actually managed to start knitting it 'backwards' by accident during the workshop, but it would have worked perfectly for this! I can't be bothered to mess about with mirrors etc though you could I guess if you really want to! The workshop was nice. I didn't really learn anything particularly new, but did get a chance to talk to a few ladies using the european method of knitting. I have always been intrigued as I do a kind of rather clumsy two handed thing that involves pretty much dropping the working needle to throw the working yarn and make a new stitch. I am intrigued by knitting belts like the shetland shawl knitters had, where they basically attach a needle (or maybe both?) to a stuffed leather pouch, or to a wooden handle that is grasped beneath the armpit. I pretty much just use my lap, kind of half drop the needle but not quite. It works. It isn't how my Mum knits, she uses the english method holding the right hand working needle like a pen. I have tried to change, because I do have to watch my knitting all the time, and I remember my Mum clacking away happily watching tv at the same time with full confidence that the knitting would proceed as it should, almost by itself - amazing! Anyway, the european method looked even more odd and positively uncomfortable, and apparently it makes doing stuff like 'trinity stitch' almost impossible....which could feasibly be really upsetting. Anyway, thats it. I liked Biddy. I like the idea of knitting art. It helped me to better visualise a knitted project I have in mind. The yellow cardi has slowed down. Ok. Here is a pic of some of the bits. It really is a terrible, terrible unflattering colour. But I like the sproingness of the moss stitch fabric. Perhaps it will turn into something worthwhile after all.
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